How To Add Clouds In Photoshop

There’s nothing more beautiful than experiencing an open, blue sky – but when it comes to images, an empty sky can look boring and bland. However, luckily, you can use tools from Photoshop to make your pictures dynamic and interesting if you add in a few clouds!

You can use two methods to add clouds to an image using Photoshop. First, you can use the built-in cloud rendering tool. Secondly, you can use the clouds on an existing image and impose them over your own image. Either way, you will end up with a cloudy and dynamic sky.

If you want to learn more about adding clouds to your images on Photoshop, this is the place to learn! Stay tuned as we explore two simple methods that anyone can use to make their pictures stand out!

How To Use Photoshop To Create Clouds

There are two main ways to achieve this look, especially if you want a realistic effect. Luckily, both methods are relatively simple and quick. Let’s take a look at how you can add clouds using Photoshop.

Use The Cloud Rendering Tool

Here is how you can use the cloud rendering tool to make fascinating images:

  1. Use Ctrl+J (or Command+J on macOS) to create a duplicated layer of your background.
  2. On the duplicate layer, go to Filter, choose Render, and then select Clouds.
  3. Change the blending mode of this layer, and select Screen.
  4. You can use the Transform tool to adjust the cloud size if you like.
  5. Now, select the cloud layer, and use the brush tool to paint areas you don’t want to show up black. You can also create a layer mask if you want to preserve the original layer image.

That’s all you need to do! However, this tool can create uniform clouds that look strange when occupying a large part of the image. In that case, you can apply clouds from one picture to the other.

Here’s a tutorial on adding clouds to pictures using Photoshop:

Superimposing An Image Of Real Clouds

  1. Find an image of the type of clouds you are looking for.
  2. Put the image of clouds over your image in Photoshop.
  3. Select the blending mode screen.
  4. If you would like, adjust the size to get the clouds to fit properly over your original image.
  5. Add a layer mask to the image of the clouds using the mask button on the layers panel.
  6. Paint with a black brush over the areas you want to cover on the cloud layer mask.

There you have it! Now you will end up with a far more realistic-looking cloud over your image in Photoshop.

Final Thoughts

Whether you use the cloud rendering tool or the superimposing method, you can end up with a stunning image. These techniques will allow you to achieve just about any look and tone of clouds that you are going for, so they are well worth exploring! 

And remember – there’s no better way to learn how to do things on Photoshop than to dive in and experiment for yourself. So start practicing these techniques today, and you will be amazed by the results!