How To Add Fonts To Clip Studio Paint

Clip Studio Paint is an application for creating digital art which primarily targets graphic artists and painters as its audience. The application includes vast collections of drawing tools, including fonts, brushes, and pens. So, how can you add fonts to Clip Studio Paint?

There are many pre-loaded fonts in Clip Studio Paint, but you can also import new fonts or create new fonts using your own handwriting. To import fonts, download your chosen font, and restart the application to find the new font and the others. Handwritten fonts can be created within the application. 

Continue reading to learn more about importing new fonts, creating handwritten fonts, and using in-app fonts in Clip Studio Paint.

Importing Fonts On Clip Studio Paint 

To import a new font on the application, find a good font on the internet. Once you have selected a font, download it on your computer and follow these steps:

  1. Add the new font to the existing folder named ‘fonts.’ Be careful not to move or rename this folder. This is because all your pre-loaded fonts are saved here, so moving the folder may delete them all.
  1. Once the new font is saved on your computer, close and open Clip Studio Paint; doing this resets the application, and your new font can be found with all the existing fonts in the drop-down menu of the ‘tool property’ workspace.

If you are looking for a video tutorial, here is an example: 

If you cannot find your desired font on the internet, you may create a new one using your own handwriting. Continue reading to find out how you can do this! 

Creating Handwritten Fonts On Clip Studio Paint

To create a handwritten font, you can simply use your stylus to write it. There are some additional effects that you can use. Using the border effect, you can add a border around your text and change its density and width to be more creative. 

The border effect also allows you to create a glow around your text to make it stand out from the background.

Additionally, you can use the tone feature in the ‘layer property workspace.’ This helps change the color and effects of what you have written with the new font to match it with the whole layer.  

Sometimes, you may choose to use the pre-loaded fonts in Clip Studio Paint. 

Using In-App Fonts On Clip Studio Paint

You may choose to use the existing fonts only for your work. To do this, follow these guidelines:

  1. Click on the font option in the ‘tool property’ workspace. This will open a drop-down menu for the fonts, which can be viewed in three different ways to assist you in choosing the right option.
  1. The first option only allows you to see the name of the font. So, if you know which font to use, this is the best option as it is the least cluttered. 
  1. The next option displays font names in the font style. 
  1. The third viewing option also includes numbers written in different fonts. This is important as some fonts look better as numbers, whereas others look better as letters. 


Although Clip Studio Paint has numerous pre-loaded fonts, importing new fonts or creating them manually with your own handwriting is easy. Imported fonts can be added to the application by downloading them, and new fonts can be created within the application.