How to Anchor Your Text in Canva [5 Steps]

Canva is a free online graphic design platform for various projects like presentations, posters, social media graphics, documents, etc. The interface is user-friendly and provides the option of creating or learning shortcuts to execute certain functions quicker. From online video tutorials to articles, there are resources to learn how to do anything in Canva.

Anchoring your text has a two-fold meaning. It could refer to permanently positioning the first line in a text box so all subsequent sentences will expand the text box in a specific direction. It could also mean using a word or phrase as a hyperlink to a web address instead of using the naked URL. Keep reading to find out how to some tips for anchoring a text box using Canva.

How to Anchor Your Text Within a Text Box in Canva

If you are attempting to add a block of text to your newsletter or presentation document and would like to control the flow of the text by anchoring your text to a fixed position, there are two ways you can accomplish this. First, note that there are three directions for anchoring your text within a text box: top of the box, middle, and bottom.

Anchor Text Using Menu and Functions

The first way of anchoring text within a text box is via menus and functions within Canva. Here is a step-by-step guide to anchoring text in any of the previously mentioned positions:

  1. Open up your document or graphic in Canva
  2. Open a text box by clicking on the Text option in the menu on the left side of the canvas.
  3. Select your text type and font
  4. Select the icon showing three lines with an arrow pointing up and down.
  5. At the bottom of the opened menu are your text anchor options; select the one you desire.

If you opt to anchor your text to the top of the text box, it will expand downward as you type. The first sentence or top of the text box will stay in the same position.

If you opt to anchor your text to the middle of the text box, it will expand equally at the top and bottom as you type. The first sentence or middle of the text box will stay in the same position.

Lastly, if you opt to anchor your text to the bottom of the text box, it will expand upward as you type. The first sentence or the bottom of the text box will stay in the same position.

Anchor Text Using Shortcuts

The second way of anchoring text to a text box and perhaps the faster option is to use keyboard shortcuts. A keyboard shortcut is a sequence of keys you press simultaneously to execute a specific function in a program. Each application has its own set of keyboard shortcuts, and some applications allow you to create your own.

There are three keyboard shortcuts for each direction you can anchor the text within the text box. Each shortcut requires you to first create your text box within your project on Canva, which means selecting text type and font. Once you have your text box on your document, you can use these shortcuts.

  1. Anchor your text to the top of the text box: CTRL + Shift + H
  2. Anchor your text to the middle of the text box: CTRL + Shift + M
  3. Anchor your text to the bottom of the text box: CTRL + Shift + B

The sequence shows you the order to hold down the keys until all three are pressed simultaneously.

How to Position Text Without an Anchor in Canva

Anchoring your text within the text box is handy for positioning it exactly where you want it in the document. If you are working on a project and are at the point in the design where you are ready to add text but forgot to anchor your text within the text box, don’t worry. There are other ways to reposition text within a document.

Once you’ve typed out your word or phrase, there are two simple steps to repositioning the text where you want it in the document.

  1. Move your curse near the text box until you see an icon with two crisscrossing arrows: one straight up and down and the other left to right.
  2. When you see this icon, click on your mouse, and your text will move wherever you move your mouse.

Once you find the right positioning for your text, you can release the button on your mouse and tap outside of the text box. Now your text will remain in the fixed position.

What Do You Do if Canva Won’t Let You Move Your Text?

Repositioning your text is a simple two-step procedure. If you cannot move your text box, something else could be at play preventing you from doing so. If the project you’re working on has been sent to you by another party, first check that you have been given editing access. You may need to reach out to the document’s author to obtain authority.

If you cannot move the text box or the drag icon described previously does not appear anywhere around your text box, it may be that your text box has been locked.

  1. Once you’ve clicked on the text box, look for a padlock icon on the upper right-hand corner of the Canva editor
  2. Click the unlock button.

Now you should be able to move your text box around freely. If you’re still experiencing the same problem, check that your text box hasn’t been grouped with other elements in your Canva project. Once you group a text box with another element, like a picture, you will not be able to move your text box separately until you’ve un-grouped the elements.


Now you know two easy ways to anchor your text, how to reposition your text if you forgot to anchor it, and some troubleshooting steps if you’re unable to move your text box.