Affinity Photo is a competitive raster graphics editor compatible with iOS, macOS, and Windows. With any new or unknown software, there is a learning curve when familiarizing yourself with the program’s features. Tools used in Photoshop or InDesign may look and function differently in Affinity Photo.
If the software is more simplified than its competitors, it may not have an extensive catalog of features. Something as simple as changing the brush color in Affinity Photo should be easy enough. Let’s look at the ways this can be accomplished using this software.
How to Change the Color of Your Brush in Affinity Photo
When you’re researching to figure out how to change the color of your brush in Affinity Photo, you may come across a lot of information about a tool called Color Replacement Brush Tool. This article will discuss the intentions of the tool and how to use it later on, but it is not the primary way to change your brush color.
The tool you’re looking for can be found at the top of the list in the same drop-down menu, Paint Brush Tool. If you don’t know how to find it in your tool panel on the left side of the canvas, just press ‘B’ several times on the keyboard, and you’ll see the Brush appear in its icon.
- Navigate to the PaintBrush Tool and select.
- Go to the Color Studio Panel or Swatches Studio Panel.
- Select your Color Mode: RGB, CMYK, LAB, etc.
- Use one of the three ways to select your color: sliders, a color wheel, or color boxes.
- Set Opacity at the bottom of the dialog box.
When the Color Studio Panel pulls up, you’ll see two color selectors; the active color is in the front, which will be affected by the color change. If you’re having difficulty with your new color appearing on your canvas, be sure to have Opacity at 100% and Blend Mode to Normal.
Other Ways to Change Color Using a Brush Tool in Affinity Photo
Color Replacement Brush Tool
Many users default to the Color Replacement Brush Tool in Affinity Photo to change the color of an image. The difference is that the Color Replacement Brush Tool doesn’t change the color of your brush so much as it changes the color of a selection. For example, if you have a photo of a boat in a harbor and want to change the boat’s color from red to green, you would use the Color Replacement Brush Tool.
- Select Color Replacement Brush Tool from the Tools panel on the left of the Affinity Photo canvas.
- Configure the tool by navigating to Swatches Studio Panel or Color Studio Panel and selecting the desired (foreground) color.
- Move the mouse pointer over the object, and you’ll see the preview of the new color.
- Change the color by clicking the mouse or holding the mouse button to paint with the brush.
Note that the Color Replacement Brush Tool is a destructive editing tool. It will affect the image pixels, so if you would like to avoid this, it is suggested to make your changes on a duplicate image layer instead of directly on the background image.
Selection Brush Tool
Another way to change the color of a selection is through the Selection Brush Tool. This tool requires you to make a selection with your mouse or stylus before the color of the object changes.
- Open your image in Affinity Photo
- Select the Selection Brush Tool in the Tool panel to the left of your canvas.
- In the Context Toolbar at the top of your canvas, ensure Mode is set to Add and Width is in pixels.
- Trace over a selection on your image.
If the trace isn’t perfect, you can use the Subtract Mode in the Context Toolbar to fix spillovers. If you want to refine your selection to ensure it is precise, select Refine in the Context Toolbar.
- Select Adjustments at the bottom of the Layers panel on the right.
- From the menu, click on Recolor.
- Use the Hue slider to select your color.
- Set the Blend Mode to Color.
- Deselect your selection by clicking on the Deselect icon on the top toolbar.
Your selection should now be recolored to the color you choose in Adjustments. Once your images are colored to your liking, you can use placeit.net to take your design to the next level by creating products, business cards, etc.
Becoming acquainted with a software’s features doesn’t have to be complicated. With Affinity Photo, you have several options to change any color on your image and easy step-by-step instructions that you’ll have memorized in no time.