How To Copy A Selection In Photoshop

In Photoshop, selections are referred to a specific part of an image that is editable while you are working on it. Various techniques can be used for this, including the selection tool or the selection command. So, how can you copy a selection in Photoshop?

Begin by using the selection tool or the selection command to create its duplicate. Then, select ‘layer via copy’ by right-clicking on your selection. This will create a duplicate for the selections of specified parts and move it to a different layer in Photoshop. However, you can also use the keyboard shortcuts “Command” or “Control and C.”

Once a selection is made, you can easily edit, copy, and save it as part of your other Photoshop designs. As copying a selection in Photoshop is essential to edit your designs, this article will guide you through its different methods in detail. 

How to Copy a Selection Manually

To copy a selection, you must start by making an active one. Among the different ways to create a selection is using the Marquee tool. Follow the steps below to learn how to copy your selection:

1. Select your subject by going to “options” in the toolbar.

2. Here, click on “object selection tool” with a W next to it and then on “subject select.”

3. Having specified the required area, copy it by right-clicking on your selection. An alternative way is going to the menu bar and clicking on “edit” and “copy.” 

4. Then, click on “layer via copy” listed in the drop-down menu.

5. Your selection will be automatically pasted within the “layers” panel as a separate and transparent layer. You can rename this layer per your preferences.

Using this option saves you time pasting your selection, as Photoshop does the work for you. You can edit the new layer as required. 

You can use this video as a visual aid to watch as you read ahead: 

How to Copy a Selection Using Keyboard Shortcuts

If you are more familiar with keyboard shortcuts, this method will be easier for you. Copying and pasting in Photoshop using the following method is similar to using Microsoft Word. Follow these steps to find out why:

1. Create a new selection using any of the tools described above.

2. Then, press the “control” and “C” keys if you are using the Windows software to copy the selection. If you are using Mac software, you must press “command” and “C.” This will save your selection on the clipboard and can be pasted anywhere on the canvas.

3. For copying a selection with numerous layers, click on the “copy merged tool.” Alternatively, you can press “shift,” “Ctrl,” and “C.”

4. For pasting the copy, click “control and V” for Windows or “command and V” for Mac.

Final Takeaway

Knowing how to copy and paste a selection in Photoshop is crucial for editors because it allows them to work on different parts of their subject in greater detail. There are several methods of doing so. However, keyboard shortcuts are quicker and easier.