Editing a source file from a different codebase can be a daunting task, especially if you have never worked on a different codebase before. Not only do you have to learn your way around the new codebase, but you also have to learn how to edit a source file from Fiverr.
If you have never worked on a different codebase before, you might be wondering, “How can I edit a source file from Fiverr?” or “What are some good methods for doing so?” Read on as we show you how.
How to Edit a Source File From Fiverr
The first step in editing a source file from Fiverr is to download the source file. You can do this by going into any of your projects, then clicking Source Files in the left sidebar. Then, click on the Download button next to the file you want to edit.
One way is to use the Fiverr Editor. Another way to edit your source files is to download them to your computer and edit them using the software the file was created in, or in some cases by using a text editor. If you need to make significant changes to your source files, you can contact the gig seller and request that they make the changes for you. Often times revisions are included for free.
Alternatively, you can use your browser’s File, then Save As menu option to save a copy of the file onto your local hard drive. Once that is done, open up a text editor and open up the copy of the file. This will allow you to edit it as needed. When editing files from Fiverr, be sure you are working with UTF-8 encoding.
If not, you could get strange symbols when trying to read it on your computer or other device. The second step is to open up the new copy of the file in a code editor and make changes as needed. When finished making changes, save them and upload them back up to Fiverr—in which case it will overwrite the original version of that file!
Using the Fiverr Editor
The Fiverr Editor is a basic text editor that allows you to make changes to your source files. To use the Fiverr Editor, simply login to your Fiverr account, go to the My Gig page, and click on the Edit Source Files button.
Once you are there:
- Click on the Open button next to the file you want to edit.
- This will open up a new tab in your browser and allow you to edit your source file.
- Make your needed changes to the source file.
- You can also save it as a copy on your computer or device before uploading back up to Fiverr.
- Upload the file to Fiverr!
You can also use your browser’s File, then Save As menu option if you prefer that method of saving files instead of using the Fiverr Editor. After editing, upload the changes back up to Fiverr by clicking on the Upload button next to that particular file.
Using Your Computer
To do this, simply login to your Fiverr account, go to the My Gig page, and click on the Download Source Files button to begin the download process. Once the files have been downloaded, you can open them in the same software the file was created in, or in some cases you can use a text editor to make the necessary changes. Typical text editor applications you can use are:
- Sublime Text
- Atom
- Windows Notepad
- Visual Studio
When you are done, save them and upload them back up to Fiverr—in which case it will overwrite the original version of that file! You can also use the Fiverr Editor to edit your source files by just clicking on the Edit Source Files button.
Once you have finished editing, it is time to upload them back up to Fiverr—in which case it will overwrite the original version of that file!
Using Your Phone or Tablet
The Fiverr Editor is also available for Android and iOS devices. To use it on your phone or tablet, simply login to your Fiverr account, go to the My Gig page, and click on the Edit Source Files button. This will allow you to make the changes you need to make while on your mobile devices.
Editing in Your Browser
You can also edit your source files in your browser by clicking on the Edit Source Files button. This will allow you to open the file within the browser itself and make changes there or even just review the code.
Implementing Your Changes
To implement your changes, log in to your account and click on the My Gig tab at the top of your screen. Then click on View Source Files. This will open up a new tab in which you can see all of your files.
You will see a button on the top right of each file that says Edit Source File. Click on this to open up the Fiverr Editor. Once you have finished editing, it is time to upload them back up to Fiverr—in which case it will overwrite the original version of that file!
Wrap up
Editing source files on Fiverr is a great way to save yourself time when you are working on a project. There are many different ways in which you can edit your files, and I hope that this article has helped you find the best one for you.