Short graphics or films may be shared online using GIF files, but you might be curious if you can alter them in Photoshop. Well yes, you can. Here is a short rundown on how to do it.
You must first open the GIF file in Photoshop to alter it. You may accomplish this by choosing the GIF file you wish to modify under File > Open. You may edit the file after it is opened in the same way that you would any other JPEG file.
Let’s dive into these steps in more detail.
How to Edit GIFs in Photoshop
These short instructions demonstrate how to alter a GIF in Photoshop by using the techniques in this section.
Learn more about how to edit GIFs in Photoshop using this comprehensive video below:
Photoshop CC – How to Edit and Save GIF (.gif File)
Step 1: Launching a GIF File for Editing
This is unquestionably the easiest part!
- Use the same steps as you would open any other picture in Photoshop to alter an existing GIF.
- You can find the GIF file you wish to open by opening the File menu, selecting Open, and then browsing.
- The GIF file will load in Photoshop after you hit the Open button.
Step 2: Set Up the Workstation
You should recall from the introduction that Photoshop contains some video editing features, so you’ll need to utilize it to finish the creative process.
- The Timeline window may be found by opening the Window menu.
- A new panel will appear in Photoshop at the end of the main document’s window.
Step 3: Editing
We meant it when we mentioned that you could alter your image frames in Photoshop however you like!
- To add flair to your GIFs, you may use the cloning tool, creative filters, or pretty much anything else you can think of.
Always keep in mind that since layers are viewed as frames, you won’t be able to modify still photos using non-destructive methods.
Step 4: Exporting Your GIF
Although it’s arguably the toughest step in the Photoshop GIF editing process, this one is manageable once you understand what you should look for. The only difficulty is exporting using Save for Web (legacy) rather than the newer, simpler Export As approach.
- First, check that every one of the animation’s frames is chosen in the Timeline panel; otherwise, Photoshop would only export the frame that is currently selected, turning your animation into a snapshot.
- Although you may choose each frame individually, a useful popup menu is tucked away in the Timeline panel’s top right corner (shown above). Next, select “All Frames” from the menu.
- Then choose “Save For Web” under the Export submenu on the File menu (Legacy). You may also utilize the tricky keyboard combination Command + Option + Shift + S (on a PC, use Ctrl + Alt + Shift + S).
The Save for Web window may appear to be a bit daunting at first glance, but there are just a few things you’ll have to approve before you export your newly edited GIF.
- Firstly, make sure that the Save for Web dialogue is set to utilize the GIF file format. It may be put there by default since it recognizes you’re editing a GIF file, but occasionally presets or prior usage might conflict with that.
- You may adjust any color export setting for your GIF animation in the dialog’s top area.
- You should maintain it at 256 colors or higher because GIFs can only handle a maximum of 256 colors without losing some picture quality.
- Click the Save option when you are satisfied with the settings.
- Specify a filename in the Save dialogue box, click Save one final time, and Photoshop will export your GIF to the folder you chose.
What to Know Before You Save
Because animated GIFs contain several frames, your file size may rapidly get quite enormous, and no one is anticipating a GIF animation to be movie-grade. The exact size of your GIF file may be displayed in the bottom left corner of the preview window.
You’ll have to fiddle with the settings a little to achieve the ideal mix of picture quality and file size.
Finally, remember to adjust the looping feature of your animation under the Animation area. Most GIFs on the internet loop endlessly, but you may turn this off or limit the looping to a certain number of times.
Final Words
You’ve just successfully modified a GIF with Photoshop! Photoshop is a fantastic option for the odd fun editing job, especially if you already have it installed, but if you’re interested in editing animated GIFs and other forms of video daily, you may want to find a tool that’s specialized for the task.