There isn’t a lot that you can customize on an app like Twitter. Twitter is primarily used as an endless feed of written soundbites of users’ opinions, thoughts, and ideas. Most of your personality is showcased through the written word sprinkled with the occasional photo or meme. One area where you can display a little of your brand is through the Twitter header. A Twitter header is a cover image at the top of your Twitter profile.
To fix your Twitter uploading header not successful message:
- Check Your Internet Connection
- Follow Pop-Up Instructions
- Check the Size of Your Image
- Check the Dimensions of Your Image
- Update Your Web Browser
Consider using a Twitter header template to create a header that’s pre-formatted to the appropriate requirements for Twitter.
The header of your Twitter profile is an essential piece of branding, especially if you’re a business, and it is one of the first ways you will engage other users with your profile. If you’re new to Twitter and you’ve never uploaded a header, or it’s been a while since you’ve changed your header, there are some issues you can run into that could cause a commonly seen error, “Header Upload Not Successful.” Here are some tips and tricks to figuring out the problem and implementing the solution.
5 Fixes for Twitter Uploading Header Not Successful
Since having a Twitter header is such an integral piece of branding for your personal or business Twitter and the first introduction many users will have to your profile, it is important to be able to upload a header successfully. If you’ve tried to do so but have been unsuccessful and continue to receive error messages that your upload was not successful, you will need to narrow down the list of issues that could be causing the error.
1. Check Your Internet Connection
Checking the internet may seem like an obvious fix, but for that very reason, many people do not check their internet connection when they are having issues uploading. If you’re out and about and using the data on your phone, the coffee shop’s Wi-Fi, or a public Wi-Fi, the connection could be spotty. Close the browser, disconnect from the Wi-Fi and reconnect.
If you’re at home and using your Wi-Fi, check the connection to your router. You may need to restart the router to reestablish your connection to the internet or call your provider for a solution.
2. Follow the Instructions
You may be new to Twitter and have never uploaded a header before. The directions to do so may not be obvious to you. All you have to do is follow a few easy steps. Go to your profile and click on “Edit Profile” under the header image, allowing for a pop-up window to appear. Note: make sure pop-ups are enabled in your browser or give the webpage permission for a pop-up.
The pop-up window is where you can edit your account details. You will see the header photo section with a camera icon. Select the upload button then you can browse through your images and select the one you want.
3. Check the Size of Your Image
Your internet connection is solid, and you’re following the instructions correctly, but you are still receiving the error message that your header did not upload successfully. The next step would be to check the size of your image, and Twitter has specific stipulations on what size is appropriate for your header.
Your photo needs to be in a JPG or PNG format for Twitter, and it cannot exceed 2 GB. If you don’t know the size of your image, you should be able to find that information in the “Properties” of the picture. Simply right-click the image and select “Properties,” and then click the “Details” tab; there, you will find the size of your image.
4. Check the Dimensions of Your Image
The “Properties” is also where you can find the dimensions of your image. The dimensions also affect your ability to upload a photo as your Twitter header. The recommended dimensions should be 1500×500 pixels.
If your image doesn’t fit into those dimensions, there is a way to adjust it so it does. Simply open your image in Paint and then open up the crop tool. Crop allows you to adjust the size based on percentage or pixels. Make sure “Pixels” are selected before entering the dimensions. Enter 1500 into the horizontal data box and 500 into the vertical data box. Leave skew empty, then press ok to complete.
If you don’t have Paint, there are other options to ensure your image is the right size and has the correct dimensions. There are websites like Placeit.net that will allow you to create a Twitter header that should have no issue uploading.
5. Update Your Web Browser
The final fix is to ensure that your web browser is updated to the latest version. Sometimes websites will prompt you to update your browser if the website can no longer function with your current web browser. If the website doesn’t prompt you, it is still in your best interest to update your browser, so you don’t run into any issues.
To find the version of your web browser, go into your browser’s menu, and under “About (web browser),” it will tell you what version you’re operating. If it’s not the latest version or if you’re not sure if it is the latest version, you can find it available for download on the web browser’s website.
Manually Adjust Your Photo on Twitter
If one of these fixes works successfully for you and you can upload an image as the header for Twitter, you should learn how to adjust your photo directly on Twitter manually. Once your photo is uploaded, Twitter should bring you to a screen where you can crop the image to the appropriate aspect ratio, 3:1, using the controllers. You can also zoom into the image or slide it around to get the right part of the picture centered for your header.
Now that you have a few possible fixes for your header not uploading successfully, you can go down the line and check all the possibilities to narrow down the issue. If these fixes resolve your upload issue, you can always look for help directly from Twitter.