How to Get a Missing Toolbox Back in GIMP

Imagine you go to your garage and can’t find your tools. You desperately look everywhere, but you can’t find them anywhere. Now imagine that you are a digital artist and you can’t find your toolbox. What would you do? This scenario is something that many digital artists have gone through.

If you can’t find the toolbox that you need in GIMP, there are a few methods that you can try. First, search for it using the file menu. You can also try going to the location where the toolbox is supposed to be and checking if it’s there. Try looking for it in the preferences window. Lastly, you can look through the help files for more information.

Regardless of the reason, it can be a real challenge to get your missing toolbox back in GIMP. While you can work around with tools like, eventually you will want to find your tools. Luckily, there are ways to get your missing toolbox back in GIMP even if you’ve misplaced it. If you’re ready to get your missing toolbox back in GIMP, keep reading.

What is a Missing Toolbox?

A missing toolbox happens when you misplace one or more of your toolboxes. A toolbox is basically a bag that contains all of your art supplies. It’s usually kept near your computer so you can easily access it.

When you misplace your toolbox, you lose a lot of time searching for it. You have to put in significant effort just to find another toolbox to replace the one you lost. This can be a real hassle. Thankfully, there are ways to get your missing toolbox back in GIMP even if you’ve misplaced it.

How to Get a Missing Toolbox Back in GIMP

The first thing you need to do is look in your menu bar. By default, this is located at the top of your screen. If you’re missing your toolbox, you’ll see a search icon. Click on this and you can type in keywords that might help you find your toolbox.

You can also look in the “GIMP Help” menu. This has everything you need to know about using GIMP. Once you’ve located a help topic that describes your toolbox, you can search for the word toolbox and see if it pops up. To get your missing toolbox back in GIMP, you’ll have to search for it in one of these places.

GIMP Shortcuts

Shortcuts are a great way to easily navigate within GIMP during your search. There are a few shortcuts that can help you get your missing toolbox back in GIMP.

  • Ctrl + Shift + T – Opens the toolbox selector in the GIMP toolbar.
  • Ctrl + 1 – Opens the first toolbox in the list.
  • Ctrl + 2 – Opens the second toolbox in the list.
  • Ctrl + 3 – Opens the third toolbox in the list.

These shortcuts will come in handy when you’re missing your toolbox. They’ll allow you to quickly select the toolbox you want to use.

Import Your Photos into GIMP

The next thing you’ll want to do is import your photos into GIMP. This will give you a place to store your artwork. Once you’ve imported your photos, you’ll be able to find them much easier.

If you’ve misplaced your toolbox, this is one of the first things you’ll want to do. You can’t find your photos, so you’ll have to go through this process. After you’ve imported your photos into GIMP, you’ll be able to see all of your photos in one place. You won’t have to keep looking for your photos, which will give you more time to create.

Find Your Favorite Brushes in GIMP

The next thing you’ll want to do is find your favorite brushes. If you’ve misplaced your toolbox, you may not know where your favorite brushes are stored. This is another thing that will take a little bit of time. You may have to look through your brushes in different subfolders until you find your favorite one.

You can’t just randomly open a folder and see if your favorite brush is in there. You’ll have to go through each folder until you find it. After you find your favorite brush, you can add it to your favorites bar in GIMP. This will make it easier to find again.

Customize Your Toolbars in GIMP

If you’ve misplaced your toolbox, you may not even be aware that some of your toolbars are set to a different layout. This will happen if you install new software or if you customize your toolbar in another way. However, if you want to get your missing toolbox back in GIMP, you’ll have to customize your toolbars.

  1. In GIMP, go to Edit
  2. Select Preferences
  3. Select Toolbars
  4. From there, select which toolbars you want to appear on your screen
  5. Click “OK” when you’re finished

 This will set your desired toolbars for quick and easy access next time you open GIMP. If you’ve misplaced your toolbox, this is one of the first things you’ll want to do. You can’t set up your toolbar properly without all of your tools.


As you can see, there are ways to get your missing toolbox back in GIMP even if you’ve misplaced it. Thankfully, these tips are easy to follow and will help you get your missing toolbox back in GIMP.