How To Get Rid Of A Double Chin In Photoshop

If you’ve ever had to work on a photograph, and been asked to remove a double chin, it is completely understandable why you would feel confused. After all, shouldn’t this be a very difficult Photoshop process? What if we told you there was an easy way to do this?

You can easily remove a double chin in Photoshop using a special tone known as the Liquify tool. However, this can be a little tricky, so make sure to make changes carefully so as not to draw attention to the changes you have made.

If you’ve ever found yourself having to remove a double chin, you are in the right place! While this process involves a few steps, it can be fairly easy! So keep reading to learn how to easily remove a double chin in a picture and do it without being conspicuous. Let’s get on with it!

How To Remove A Double Chin In Photoshop

So, a client asked you to take care of a double chin in their photograph. What exactly are you supposed to do to make this happen? You’re in luck, because this process is fairly easy, and only requires that you follow the next few steps. So make sure you follow carefully!

You can also take a look at this video, to have a visual reference of what to do:

Open And Duplicate The Image

First and foremost, you will need to open up the image in question in Photoshop. Once you have that done, the very next thing you will need to do is to duplicate it. You can do this by holding onto the layer and right-clicking. 

From the next menu, select the option to duplicate the layer. This will allow you to keep the original available if the changes don’t look right.

Using The Liquify Tool

The main tool that we use in this process of removing a double chin is the Liquify tool. Specifically, we will be using the Forward warp tool. Here’s how to get to the tool on Photoshop:

  1. On Photoshop, open up the Filter tab on the top menu.
  2. From here, select the option ‘Liquify’.
  3. Alternatively, use the keyboard shortcuts Shift + Control + X on Windows, or Shift + Command + X when you are using a macOS device.

These steps will open up the Liquify tool panel, from which you can further select the right tool you want to use. The Forward Warp tool is the one we want to use, as it is an excellent way to edit facial features without being too obvious. You can select and use this with these steps:

  1. Click the Forward Warp tool icon. This is the icon on the top-left of the list.
  2. Click and drag over the areas that you want to edit on your subject.

Make sure that the tool is used so that the chin is hidden, but is not too obvious. This may take some practice, but you will be able to do so once you get the hang of it.

Make The Image Look Realistic

Once you have the chin edited, you can choose to leave it how it is. However, with a few additional steps such as adding noise, you can add texture and make the image look realistic and unedited. Here are some tips on making this happen.

  1. Create a new layer above your edited layer, so any noise etc. can be added onto this layer.
  2. If you want to add noise, make the above layer gray, and then use the Noise tool.
  3. Add some blur to the layer to make the noise less sharp.
  4. Blend this additional layer over your selection to create the texture you are looking for.

Adding noise and texture is a great way to make images look more realistic. However, adding too much noise can sometimes impact the quality of the image itself. Make sure you are able to strike a balance and create the perfect effect for the image!

Final Thoughts

Removing a double chin from an image can be a challenge, but it does not have to be! With Photoshop and the Liquify tool, you can easily remove this issue in a photograph without any issues. 

Make sure that you practice with the tool before making any actual changes so you can get the right effect that you are looking for! Just like any other Photoshop effect, this can take some work and time to get just right – good luck!