Are you beginning to get annoyed by all the back-and-forth movement in the brush panel while creating a diverse and complex piece of art? Your brush panel is lacking in organization and adequate arrangement. It may be slowing you down.
To organize brushes in Photoshop, go to the brush panel, select all the brushes you would like to group together, go to the cog wheel icon, and click “New Brush Group” Name your brush folder and hit OK. You have a folder based on your selected theme or style.
Please continue reading to learn more about the Photoshop brush panel and the little tricks that might help you achieve better efficiency.
Why Is Organizing Your Brushes Important?
Organizing brushes in Photoshop helps you find the brush you need faster, making your workflow more efficient. It also allows for easier management of your brushes and helps you keep them organized in a way that makes sense for your projects. Organizing brushes also allows you to quickly identify which brush is best suited for the task, saving you time and effort. It may also help ensure that you don’t accidentally delete brushes that you may need later.
How To Sort The Brush Panel In Photoshop?
The brush panel in Photoshop is completely customizable. If you want to sort it to your liking, open the brush panel and go to the cog wheel icon. A drop-down menu will show you a number of options. We shall go through some of these to help you understand why they are important and to help you decide whether you want to display them. All these options have tick marks next to them; you can remove them by clicking once.
Let us get into these.
Brush Name – This option will display the name of each brush you use. By turning this off, you might need some clarification. We advise this is kept on.
Brush Tip – This option allows you to see a preview of the brush that you use. If you are a beginner or using a new brush, keeping this on helps distinguish between all your options.
Brush Stroke – This is another option that shows a preview of how the brush stroke would display on the canvas.
Show Additional Preset Info – This shows you other extra details about the preset you are using, which may be unnecessary at times.
Show Recent Brushes – If this is turned on, the brush panel will show your recently used brushes. While working on one art project, this is quite helpful and saves time.
How To Add Brushes To Folders In Photoshop?
The best way to organize your brushes and save them in one place based on certain themes or styles is to put them in labeled folders. Photoshop allows its users to do this very easily.
Follow the instructions below to get guidance through the whole process.
- Select the brush tool.
- Now go to the control panel and choose the icon which shows the tip of your brush.
- This will open up a window that shows all your brushes.
- To add a set of brushes that you most like into a folder, select them.
- To select them, hold down the command or control key. Now click on all the ones you want to add to your new folder.
- Once you are done selecting, go to the icon that looks like a cog wheel.
- Click this, and look for the “New Brush Group.”
- A window will pop up where you will be asked to name the folder.
- Name your folder.
- All your selected brushes will show under this name.
For further help, please refer to this Youtube video:
How To Drag And Drop Brushes To Brush Folders In Photoshop?
Once you have made a folder, add some new brushes to older, pre-existing folders. To do so, you can drag and drop your brushes.
We have laid out some instructions below to help you better understand and follow the procedure.
- Select the brush tool and go to the icon with brush types.
- Here, find the folder in which you want to add the brush.
- Click on the arrow on the left side of the folder’s name.
- This will drop down all the brushes that are already in the folder.
- Now go to the brush you wish to add here, click on it, and drag it to this folder.
- Now release your mouse to drop the brush.
- The brush will be added to the folder.
Organizing and managing your brushes smartly can help improve efficiency and performance by a great margin. Getting some clarity when working on a project allows you to focus more on your work than the logistics of it. Use our tips and guidelines to help enhance your performance in Photoshop.