As a comic book creator or illustrator, 3D models are a terrific method to streamline your production. This is made even simpler by Clip Studio Paint’s integration of 3D models, which enables you to choose from a sizable collection of 3D models that are already installed or to add your own.
So how do you use Clip Studio Modeler? Well, to use Clip Studio Modeler, simply register the object or character models. You may then load the model, position it, and use it as a reference for drawing.
Keep reading below for more information.
Pre-Installed Models
Select the 3D folder in your Materials palette to get to the pre-installed 3D objects. Every sort of model, including characters, little items, and scenes, has its subdirectory. The folder called “Little Items” is where you can drag and drop whatever object you want into your canvas.
You are also provided a toolbar with many tools to alter the model on top and a toolbar for model parameters on the bottom after you drag and drop an object on your screen.
Here, you can move the camera around to place your object, change its size and appearance, and do other things. You can further modify your model by going to the Tool Property palette and adjusting the light source, the outlines, as well as the shadows.
Clicking the wrench in the bottom-right corner will bring you to the Sub Tool Detail panel, where you may access further settings.
CSP includes perspective rulers that are fixed to your model, which is a pretty useful tool. The perspective rulers will also rotate as you move the camera around your model, guaranteeing that any drawings you make of it will have the same perspective.
If you have difficulties envisioning perspective or if you would like to ensure that your object fits precisely in your already-drawn scene, rather than just appearing like you tossed it in with no alterations, this can be an excellent approach to preparing perspective for a picture.
Simply click the ruler that displays on your 3D model layer to activate these. When you’re done with your 3D model, I suggest transferring the ruler to a new raster layer so you may use it to sketch.
Character models
Character models do essentially the same tasks, but with one important exception: they include bones, allowing you to move and posture their limbs.
The default 3D models in Clip Studio Paint are ideal for use as drawing references. Even their proportions can be changed to create various body shapes.
Background models
Whole 3D environments, known as “background models,” can be dragged and dropped onto the work area. Similar to how objects and characters have their own perspective rulers and lighting, they do as well.
How to Use Clip Studio Modeler
In order to create models, Clip Studio Paint provides a separate tool called Clip Studio Modeler that you can use if you’d like to add a model with bones or other complex features or simply want to register your objects as materials.
Models destined for the Asset Store must first be prepared by their respective creators in this section.
For more information on Clip Studio Modeler, watch this video below:
There are two alternatives for getting started: objects and models with bones. Use the 3D object menu to insert the cage.
- By selecting the Root Node button (the pine tree) and selecting Add From File at the bottom of the Object Configuration palette, you may add your.obj file. Then, your object ought to be loaded.
- With the Object Information panel, you can change any settings and the material thumbnail.
- Simply choose “register as new material” from the File menu to register it as a material.
- You can choose a location for the material to be saved, and when you open CSP the following time, it will be there! It can then be dropped whenever you want onto your canvas.
Ways to Use 3D Models for Drawing
You might be unclear on how to use your models now that they are loaded into CSP and working.
The most straightforward approach would be to load them in, place them where you want them, and then simply utilize them as a reference for drawing. You can reduce the opacity and treat a 3D layer like any other reference image by selecting Rasterize from the context menu when you want to flatten it. This will convert the layer into an image rather than an editable object.
The Extract Outline option in Clip Studio Paint EX allows you to produce line art and tones based on a 3D model or image, and it’s a handy feature to have.
We sincerely hope that this information was useful to you! Every artist should take advantage of these time-saving capabilities in order to make their work look as good as it possibly can.