How To Use Patterns In Krita

Has the monotony of colors gotten to you? We truly sympathize with you. How about we offer you a solution that helps you elevate your art? This will also motivate you to create art and work more in Krita. The answer to your problem is Patterns.

To use patterns, you can fill shapes with patterns as brush strokes, fill layers with patterns, and create textures with patterns. To fill shapes with patterns, select the shape and then select the Fill Tool from the tools panel. In the dialog box, click Fill Type > Pattern Fill. Select the Pattern option and choose the pattern you wish to incorporate here. Hit OK. You can also use your own customized pattern by creating a new one. 

This article discusses how you can fill shapes with patterns and use patterns as brush strokes to add intricate details. 

What Are Patterns Used As In Krita?

  • Fill patterns – Krita’s fill tool allows you to fill an area with a pattern, which can be useful for creating backgrounds or adding texture to an object or shape.
  • Brush patterns – You can use patterns as brush strokes to add minute details in Krita. When used with the brush tool, they can create interesting effects and add depth to your strokes.
  • Layer styles – Krita’s layer styles allow you to apply patterns to a layer, which can be used to create interesting effects such as a metallic or wooden texture.
  • Textures – Patterns can be used to create textures for 3D models or game assets in Krita. They can be applied to surfaces to create a realistic appearance.

Use Fill Patterns In Krita

Follow the instructions below to use patterns to fill up shapes or parts of the canvas. 

  1. Open Krita and create a new document to work on. 
  2. Create a new layer from the Layers docker. 
  3. From the tools panel, choose the Selection tool and select the part of the canvas you wish to fill with the pattern. 
  4. From the tools panel, choose the Fill Tool. The icon looks like a paint bucket. 
  5. A dialog box will appear.
  6. In the dialog box, look for Fill Type. Click on it. 
  7. From the dropdown menu, select Pattern Fill.
  8. Now look for the “Pattern” button in the Fill Type menu. Click on it. 
  9. A dialog box will appear, which will let you edit the pattern.
  10. In the Pattern Editor, choose a pattern from the given options.  
  11. If you do not like any of the options, create your new pattern. 
  12. Click on the “Create New Pattern” button and follow the instructions in the dialog box.
  13. Choose your pattern now and hit OK. 
  14. If you wish to customize your Fill Pattern, go to the Fill Tool dialog box and adjust the scale and angle of the pattern using the options provided. You can also choose whether you want to fill the entire selection or just the border of the selection. 

Watch this video for more options. 

Use Patterns With A Brush In Krita

Below we have outlined all the steps you need to take to use patterns as brush strokes in Krita. 

  1. Open Krita and open up an existing or new document. 
  2. Now choose the layer on which you want to work. If there is not more than one layer, create a new one from the Layers docker. 
  3. Go to the toolbar on the left side of your screen and choose the Brush tool. If you want a keyboard shortcut, hit B to enable the brush tool. 
  4. Now go to the Brush Presets docker on your screen and choose the brush style you wish to use. 
  5. Now, go back to the toolbar and select the Brush Tip tool. 
  6. A dialog box will appear. In this box, look for the Texture option and click on it. 
  7. Here, place a tick against Texture and then choose Load Texture. This will allow you to input the pattern that you wish to use. 
  8. Now select the pattern that you want to use and hit Open. 
  9. While the dialog box is still open, you can adjust the scale and rotation of the pattern using the slider given here. 
  10. Once satisfied, hit OK. 
  11. Use the pattern as a brush stroke now. You can also adjust the size and opacity of the brush from the options given on top with the brush tool selected. 


Patterns are a fun way to get out of your comfort zone and experiment with tools you normally would not use. Patterns also allow for more artistic freedom and are a good way to express things through art.