How To Wrap Text In Indesign?

Adobe InDesign is a desktop publishing software commonly used to design print and digital media layouts. In InDesign, wrapping text around objects helps create aesthetically pleasing layouts.

First, place an object or image in your document to wrap text in InDesign. Then create a text box and select it. Choose a wrapping option by going to Object > Text Frame Options and adjust the options as needed. Preview the effect and apply it to the text box. Finally, save your document.

This article will guide you step-by-step on how to wrap text in InDesign.

Steps to Wrap Text in InDesign

To wrap text in InDesign, follow these steps:

1. Create A New Document

  • Go to File > New > Document.
  • Set up the page size, margins, and bleed as required for your project.
  • Click on OK to create the new document.

2. Place An Image Or Object

  • Go to File > Place.
  • Navigate to the location where the image or object is saved and select it.
  • Click on Open to place the image or object in your document.

3. Create A Text Box

  • Select the Type Tool (T) from the Tools panel on the left side of the display screen to create a text box and add text to your InDesign document.
  • Click and drag your cursor on the document to create a text box.
  • Once you have completed the text box, you can start typing your text.

4. Select The Text Box

  • Click on the text box with the Selection Tool (V) from the Tools panel.
  • A bounding box will appear around the text box.

5. Choose A Wrapping Option

  • Go to Object > Text Frame Options.
  • Click on the “Wrap around object shape” checkbox.

6. Adjust The Wrapping Options

  • Choose to wrap around the bounding box, the object shape, or a specific contour.
  • Adjust the offset value to adjust the distance between the text and the object.
  • Play around with the options until you achieve the desired effect.

7. Preview The Wrapping Effect

  • Click the Preview checkbox in the Text Frame Options dialog box.
  • See the impact in real time.
  • Adjust the wrapping options until you achieve the desired effect.

8. Apply The Wrapping Effect

  • Click on OK to apply the effect to the text box.
  • The text will wrap around the object based on the selected wrapping options.

9. Edit The Text

  • Select the text with the Type Tool (T) and make the necessary changes.

10. Save Your Document

  • Go to File > Save to save your copy.
  • To export the document for print or digital media, go to File > Export.

View this video to see how to wrap text in InDesign:

Additional Tips To Wrap Text In Indesign

While the steps outlined above are a good starting point for wrapping text in InDesign, a few additional tips can help you achieve even better results. One suggestion is to use the Pen tool to create a custom path around the object for the text to wrap around. 

It can give you more control over the shape of the text wrap and make it look more natural.

Another tip is to adjust the vertical justification of the text within the text box to avoid awkward gaps or uneven lines. Experiment with different options until you achieve the desired effect. 

To adjust the vertical justification of text within a text box in InDesign, follow these steps:

  1. Select the text box that has the text you want to adjust.
  2. Go to Object > Text Frame Options.
  3. In the Text Frame Options dialog box, select the Baseline Options tab.
  4. Under the Vertical Justification section, choose one of the following options: Top, Center, Bottom, Justified, or Align to Grid.
  5. Adjust the offset value to control the distance between the text and the top or bottom of the text box.
  6. Click OK to apply the changes.

Moreover, you can also align text to a specific grid in InDesign. By aligning text to a specific grid, you can ensure the text is spaced evenly and looks tidy and organized. Follow these steps to do this:

  1. Create a new document, or open an existing document in InDesign.
  2. Go to Layout > Create Guides.
  3. In the Create Guides dialog box, set the Number of Rows and Columns to match the grid to which you want to align the text.
  4. Set the Gutter value to the distance you want between each row and column.
  5. Click OK to create the grid.
  6. Create a text box by selecting the Type Tool (T), clicking, and dragging on the document where you want the text to be.
  7. Type or paste the text into the text box.
  8. With the text box selected, go to Object > Text Frame Options.
  9. In the Text Frame Options dialog box, select the Baseline Options tab.
  10. Under the Vertical Justification section, select Align to Grid.
  11. Set the First Baseline Offset value to the distance between the top of the text box and the first grid line. It ensures the text aligns with the grid properly.
  12. Click OK to apply the changes.


Wrapping text around objects helps create visually appealing layouts in InDesign. Following these simple steps, you can quickly wrap text in InDesign and create stunning layouts for your print and digital projects. 

Experiment with different wrapping options and objects to create unique and eye-catching designs.