Why Does Canva Capitalize Every “I”?

In English, we have a rule to always capitalize a single “i” because it acts as a pronoun. But in the world of design, the text doesn’t always follow all of the rules. So what happens when you are working on a design in Canva and the program keeps auto-capitalizing all of the i’s you write?

As a general rule, Canva doesn’t capitalize standalone i’s by default. Instead, this is probably due to the auto-capitalization setting on your computer, internet browser, tablet, or phone. This is a default setting on many devices and is usually seen as a convenience for those writing in English because of general grammar rules.

For the most part, auto-capitalization can be helpful, especially in those moments when we are typing fast and forget to hit the shift key. However, this isn’t the case for everyone. Keep reading for more information on why Canva is capitalizing every i, and how you can make it stop.

Why Do My I’s Keep Capitalizing In Canva?

Whether you use a PC, tablet, or phone, you will more than likely find a setting on your device that auto-capitalizes words such as pronouns or those found at the beginning of a sentence. This includes the letter I when it stands separate from other letters.

Why? This is because a standalone i is considered a pronoun in the English language. And because many devices are set up with English in mind, this setting provides the convenience of correcting minor mistakes made during typing, much like the way autocorrect does.

However, this isn’t always seen as helpful, especially for those typing in other languages or for anyone working in design. So, how can you stop the automatic capitalization when working in Canva?

There are several ways to do this, and we will break each one down for you below.

Turn Off Auto-Capitalization on Your Device

The simplest way to stop your i’s from switching to uppercase is to turn off the auto-capitalization setting on your device.

For Android and iPhone devices, text correction can typically be turned off from the phone’s keyboard settings. This can either be accessed by clicking the gear located on the keyboard, or by searching through the phone’s main settings menu.

For tablets, this is generally the same. However, since there are so many different makes and models of tablets, it is best to check your device’s manual to find out how to access the settings.

Windows users with touch screens will have access to advanced keyboard settings under Devices and Typing. Simply turn off the auto-capitalization option and you should be good to go. Non-touch screen users will not have access to these settings and should focus on changing the settings in their preferred browser or program.

Mac users can find autocorrect settings under the keyboard tab in Settings. Here, customized autocorrect settings can be made. If you have created a rule to change “i” to “I”, delete it. You may also want to turn off auto-capitalization by unchecking the box next to “Capitalize words automatically.”

Turn Off Auto-Capitalization in Your Browser

Though not all internet browsers do this, some do have auto-capitalization enabled as part of their autocorrect or spell check features. If you’re having issues with capitalization in Canva, it’s a good idea to check your browser’s language settings.

Change Browsers

Another option you may need to consider is switching browsers. Sometimes, a program can work a bit funny in one browser and not in another. This usually has to do with updates not being current.

If you generally work in Chrome and are having issues with capitalization in Canva, try opening it up in Edge or Safari. If this works, you may want to consider using Canva in that browser for the time being.

Download a Change Case Extension

If you’ve adjusted your settings and are still having issues, one final option is to download a case change extension. This allows you to set advanced settings for your text within your browser. Some of these settings include:

  • No case
  • Uppercase
  • Lowercase
  • Title case
  • Toggle case
  • No accents

These extensions can be found on both Chrome and Firefox.

Final Thoughts

Whether you’re typing up a text-heavy design in Canva or browsing the web, we often rely on the settings of our device keyboard or browser more than we realize. If your i’s won’t stop capitalizing, it’s probably because of a setting that you didn’t even know was in place.

Hopefully, this article gave you a better understanding of why every i you type is capitalized, and how to change it if you need to.