Nothing is worse than being in a good workflow and you are suddenly signed out of Lightroom. There are ways to fix the problem, and knowing the steps to prevent further work stoppages is a guaranteed path to success with the software. So why does Lightroom keep signing you out?
Lightroom may keep signing you out if the app has been corrupted or glitched or your license information is incorrect.
Lightroom is like the other Adobe Creative Cloud applications in that it can run processes that are meant to protect the users but could ultimately keep them from accessing their work. So read on and learn why Lightroom keeps signing you out!
Why Lightroom Keeps Signing You Out
Being repetitively signed out of Lightroom makes it hard to complete basic job tasks and will add time to your work day. Knowing a few reasons, you can prevent yourself from being ejected from your workspace and removed from the CC servers.
Reinstall the Software
It sounds like the scariest option but reinstalling the software could help repair the processes. It could also give the system time to process licenses and other information that could have gotten missed or didn’t load before. You don’t need to worry about deleting the software if you keep the program files on your computer.
The steps to reinstall the Lightroom software on your computer are as follows:
- Uninstall Lightroom – You can remove the program by using the Adobe Lightroom Uninstall icon on the computer. Locate the Lightroom app with Finder and drag it to the bottom corner and the trash can. Once moved, the Lightroom uninstall will populate your screen.
- Follow the prompts – One of the great things about Adobe software is that it only takes a few clicks to get it moving onto your computer. Following the prompts, you can select the download destination and choose if you want icons on your desktop.
- Circle back – Once the last remnants of the program have gone, you should have an empty spot on your desktop where the icon was before. Don’t be sad! You can be back on the Adobe page by opening your internet icon and doing a quick search.
- Fill the gap – Once you are back on the Adobe page, look for the Creativity & Design option on the top. A menu will come down with several options as you hover over it. Look under Featured Products, and Lightroom will be listed there. Click on it.
- Back to work – Now that you are on the Lightroom page, there should be a large icon with the Lr emblem. The Lr emblem should have a large icon on your desktop and in the CC menu in the top right corner. By double-clicking on it, you open the installation process. Follow the prompts, and Lightroom will be reinstalled on your computer.
Once you are back to full strength, you can test the interface and see if you are still being signed up periodically. Often a new installation will cure any loading problems that could eject you from the program and restart the log-in process.
Check Your License Information
Another big problem that will cause you to log out constantly is your license information. Licenses are small bits of information that show the validity of your software and protect the company against theft and virus intrusions. If there are problems verifying it or it has trouble loading, you could be asked to log in again.
How to Check Your License Information on MacOS
There are several ways to check your license information (MacOS).
They include:
- Applications – The place to start looking for your license on a Mac is in the Applications folder. Inside there, you should be looking for the Utilities option. Utilities are just a catch-all folder that rounds up the informational aspects of Lightroom and shares them back and forth with the central server. Next, click Keychain access.
- Keychain access – Now that you are in the Keychain access, you should look for the Keychains option. It should be easy to find and somewhere up in the top left-hand corner of the screen. Once in this box, you should look for the Adobe User Profile and Adobe User OS Info folders.
- Restart Lightroom – Often, the folders can become overrun with other bits of info and need to be restarted to make them function properly. Restarting should only take a few moments, and you should know quickly if the process worked.
Working with Mac and Windows is different, but the license-sharing and retrieving process is almost identical.
How to Check Your License Information on Windows
Windows users have a similar process to Mac but a much quicker process that doesn’t require you to search multiple windows or drop-down menus.
The steps to reset the license information on Windows are as follows:
- Services – From the Start Menu, search for Services. Services is like Utilities in that it contains folders and programs that work beneath the surface to connect your Lightroom version with Adobe’s mainframe. The files inside could have weird names or be critical. Don’t delete files without purpose, as you will create a problem.
- Credential Manager – Inside the Services folder, you should look for the Credential Manager option. Credential Manager sounds like a fancy title for a banker, but it is where your authenticity certificates and the like are stored. Once you find Credential Manager, right-click and select Restart.
When you restart Credential Manager, it will reload all your access certificates and log-in information—just like with Mac, having the correct files that aren’t corrupted will enable you to get back to work without logging in consistently.
When you are constantly being asked to log in with Lightroom, you will see a fall-off in production and an increase spent working with the application. There are ways to prevent unwanted log-ins, and by quickly checking your computer, you can find out why the problem continues.
Working with Mac and Windows means you will have different methods for each system. While they are similar, additional file and menu names could prevent you from getting to the right place to correct the problem. When you are constantly asked to log in to Lightroom, ensure you have the proper licenses and the latest software version.